Thrive in the life you want.

FITNESS FROM HOME: Fitness in the comfort and safety of your own home. Whether it be live or videos, virtual or in-person, you can work on anything from abs and balance to strength and flexibility.

TRAVELING PERSONAL TRAINING & EXERCISE CONSULT: Learn proper technique and make a plan for training better balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength, all from the comfort and safety of your home/yard.

FITNESS VIDEO LIBRARY: For beginners or active seniors, these fitness workouts highlight form and technique for a safe and strong 30 minute customizable workout - all in the privacy of your own home.

GROUP FITNESS: Small group fitness training and classes available at various locations. (currently on hold)


LOVE LIFE LONGER: Courses to help you thrive in the life you want.

Love Life Longer Courses (on hold)

BEHAVIOR CHANGE LIFE COACHING: Facilitating your process for creating sustainable change in any aspect of your life.

behavior change life coach

Want to get rid of pain, increase flexibility, and feel like yourself again? Click here